Friday, November 28, 2008


I just posted this comment on Jana's blog in response to her post about the Mario Kart song.

"That was a hideous Video.
I hated it and couldn't even finish it.
He was so creepy!
You women are so starved for romantics that you cling to even the worst of the vaguely tender emotionality shown by a male of your species.
Then again, you may swoon at a badger singing that song.... curly mustache or not."

I'm sad. Not because of the song itself, but the response of the women to it. Honestly it seems to me as though if a guy shows any sort of consideration to a woman then he is praised for it by her peers. Like that awful "He went to Jared!" commercial. Why are Women praising Men for simply showing a feeling? It should be common place. It should be so normal that when we guys do something nice that its not a big deal. I don't mind getting a little notice when I do something over-the-top insane, but other than that.....

Look, my point is not that the Ladies who posted a love note to the curly-'stached Kartman are nutso, but that it should take a whole lot more to impress you.

Take me, for example. Some friends of hers didn't believe what a typical Tuesday afternoon was like at the Rowley home, so we took a few pictures of my day.

Guys, take care of your Sweetie.


Sarah Welsh said...

hahaha! The pictures are AWESOME!!

Jana said...

LOL!! Wow, Eric, you are such a super-hubbie! Mer is so lucky to have a kid-holding, vacuuming & reading stories at the same time kind of husband, and especially pouring her some bubbly so she can read her novel! Wow.
Now then, I don't find the boy who sang that song to be particular wonderful or romantic, and I didn't actually think the song was romantic; I thought it was tender, and cute and unique.
But good call, you for sure have a point. I'm glad you feel that way, and I'm glad I'm not actually starved for that kind of attention since my husband is even MORE of a super-husband than you! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Oh wow, I really like the empty pots and pans you're cooking with!
Seriously I can't get over those pictures....they crack me up.

Christine said...

You guys are so cute! Those pictures are awesome. Obviously the reason mer manages her crazy life is because of her uber-husband! (mer you look so extra cute in that last pic.)

I, like Jana, liked that song because is was funny, not because it was romantic.

Kimberly Jepson said...

I love the song because it is clever AND it is adorable. I thought it was funny and really tender. :)
But I am a fan of this post. Hilarious!! Way to do things right, Efrok!! Quuh-quuh!

Jen-ben said...

You are seriously HILARIOUS!!! I loved every second of funny. I'm so showing Jasper.

Annette Larsen said...

It is sad that some women get so little positive attention that they have to mark the occasion when they do.

I too, thought the song was funny, not romantic. You, however, are both. You friggin' crack me up. I love those pictures, and the captions for sure. You are deffinately a super husband.

Kristi said...

Ha ha ha ha! Love it! This cracks me up! I will have to look at the post of janas...

Bryce & Cherise said...

Bryce and i laughed so hard at these pics! :) our fav is the one of you vacuuming.....we think you're pretty dang funny.
The mario cart song....i thought it was pretty tender but not romantic. I thought, like jana, that i was just pretty clever.

MoM K said...

Dearest Son,
You are definately the best husband ever! Although it WOULD be fun to see those same kinds of photos from your brothers-in-law...heh heh heh.... You crack me up too! Good for you for making such a great post!!!!!

Chrystal said...

We LOVE this post! Ir reminds me of the old 40's and 50's pictures and clips of how the wives were supposed to take care of their husbands and their families. About time some one did it in reverse!