Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fix one, break one

HA! Stupid comments. What a pain.

Ill have to fix the page look later.

A blog takes alot of effort, and it reminds me why I never created one before now.

Yeah just what I need, another project....


Anonymous said...

just seeing if you really fixed the comment input, LOL!!

MoM K said...

Good comment comment! I LOVE you new blog. It's so exciting. Now that I have clicked on GUI, I know that I still do not know exactly what it is. I'm too old I guess. Hey, Since I have come here, you must go to my site now and see what's happennin in the lives of your parental units. See youthere! love YA!

Meredith said...

Help you...pweese?

Why, yes, I will babe.

Mary Lynn said...

Yay! Good job fixing the comments!
..too bad about the page design, though.. haha

LOVE your blog, though!

Jana said...

Senor Poopypants,
Your blog looks truly bloggy to me. In a bloggish sort of way.

Kristi said...

I think the blog looks great! I wish I could figure out how to make mine cool...
I am a L-Oser! :) Totally NOT good at the techy stuff! I will leave that to you geeks:)

Joanna Kleine said...

Why, what a nice blog you have... (said in a cheezy, guy trying to pick up a chick at a bar kinda way). Keep up the good work Prof. Poopypants.